by Simon Lill | Mar 14, 2020 | Digital, Disruption, Drive sales, Outcomes, Planning, Uncategorized
Press start for digital Getting digital right means thinking about how to do business tomorrow. Specifically where does the speed, convenience, security and quality of digital enhance your performance and customer experience? Keep this statement in mind as we go...
by Charles Pangrazi | Dec 12, 2019 | Analytics, data science, Digital, operations
Hotdesk scientists We don’t know if you have spotted it yet but analytics, long the preserve of the fraud department and the PhD’s, has gone mainstream. Your boss has seen Moneyball, The Big Short and Bladerunner and we have all read Steven Levitt and...
by Simon Lill | Nov 4, 2019 | Agile, Digital
Agile listeners to survive Innovation theory is littered with commentary on why we should keep moving our proverbial cheese to survive in these digital times. Change or die goes the mantra but in reality the challenge is to be ready to make the change. Much is made of...